Category: News

Fixing The Magic Trackpad On A 2008 Mac Pro

I just picked up a Magic Trackpad to change things up a little bit. I’d been using a Logitech Revolution MX (one of the best mice ever) for almost four years (!!) and I decided I wanted to give trackpads a try. Much to my chagrin, the trackpad was a mess, skipping, skittering, and jumping across the screen when connected to my Bluetooth dongle, a bog standard iOGear model I purchased years ago. I thought it was a software update, but it wasn’t.
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Announcing Our Bloggers Boot Camp Course

Charlie and I are pleased to announce our first web course featuring one-on-one time with Charlie and I online during the run of the program. It’s a 12-week writing course with a focus on blogging and it should take you 20 minutes or so a day to go through the sections, videos, exercises and discussions.
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Thoughts On TechCrunch

We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
Pathos via Wordsworth

I’ve stayed out of this mess so far simply because my team and site had been so far removed from the day-to-day TC rigamarole that I felt at least slightly out of touch with the internal politics associated with Mike’s firing and the rest of it all. The gadgets and mobile guys all work for TC, obviously, but we were never part of the whole he-said-she-said world of start-ups and funding that helped TC really take off. The CG/MC team were booster engines, at best, offering that last push to send the site into orbit.
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Lion Supports PC Keyboard Mapping

КартиниI was using DoubleCommand to swap my Command and Option keys on my Logitech K800 Windows keyboard and discovered that the app didn’t record my preferences anymore. Thats when I also discovered that OS X Lion supports key swapping right in the Keyboard preferences pane.

Head over to system preferences, select Keyboard, click Modifier Keys and there you go. Just swap Command and Option. Save it and it will remain forever thus.

HipChatRSS: Inject RSS Feeds Into HipChat Rooms

I’ve been using HipChat for a while and one thing we were missing was an RSS injector so we can see what our competition is up to. I built this little script to grab RSS feeds and inject new posts into a room. You have to edit setup.php with your HipChat Auth Token, room name, and name of the robot you want have visit your room. Then run the PHP code via cron. Presumably you could recreate this to run on a more command-line friendly language, but whatevs.

Good luck and have fun.

Download It Here