Author: John Biggs

Monthly Reader: Great Reads for August
Hello from Buenos Aires. I’m here until Tuesday August 20 if you’d like to meet up. I also realized I missed July. I guess time flies when you’re flying.
Project annoucement time: You might be familiar with my watch website, We’ve been covering watches sinces 2004 or so. In an effort to have a bit more fun we created Knapsack.News, a website dedicated to gadgets, gaming, and gear. I’ve been on the gadgets beat since 2000 and I figured now that I’m old and gray I might have some things to say that everyone else can’t. Please check it out! If you’re a PR person we’re accepting tips at
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TurboBit Premium link Generator 2019
One of the best treasures a blogger or a student or any other person can have is having such a website or tool where he or she can store his or her data and have access to it easily without any issues. If you too would want to save your data on such a place other than your computer where only you would have access to it, then there is no better option for you than Turbofit as you would be easily able to save your data in this site.
Turbofit is a free file hosting and sharing a site that has an exclusive feature of storing your data without any hassles. If you would want to have the best data-saving website, then the Latest working turbobit premium link generator is such a website which would be the perfect option in this case. Any amount of data which you upload on Turbobit Premium Accounts, you are going to be able to retrieve and access all that data whenever you want.
You can even keep your Turbofit customized and allow any of your friends, family or anybody to access all the data which you save over it.
What is Turbobit
With Turbobit, particularly a turbobit premium account using Turbobit Premium Link Generator, you?ll have the capacity to transfer a considerable measure of documents. Turbobit is a popular and easy to access online distributed storage service. It has been an amazing and users? preferred platform like free skype, amongst other approaches to share your information or store it. They have two different membership plans:
- Turbobit Free Account
- Turbobit Premium Account
TurboBit makes it a point that their clients would be well-protected. That?s why they?re utilizing techniques proven to help in securing sensitive information. They also have an SSL connection that prevents unauthorized data transfer, and their terms of use clearly explain how they protect the users. As for the payment options, the company uses external providers.
Ease of use plays a very important role in a file upload. With TurboBit, all you have to do is drag and drop the file in the corresponding field and it would be ready for download. Users also have the option of uploading multiple files with the use of TurboBit?s own uploader. As for unregistered users, they have a limit of 200MB, while 100GB is supported. For website owners, they can also take advantage of the reseller program where they can earn by simply using and promoting the uploader.
Features of Turbobit Account
A premium account always has many extra features. it has many essential elements given below.
1. A large file can be download:- If you have a Premium account on Turbobit On your account, you can upload big files.
2. Increase in Downloading and Uploading speed:- Premium account users get sufficient speed for downloading their file or while uploading. In Free Account of Turbobit user get a slower downloading and Uploading speed.
3. Safe and Secure Data:- Extra security given to users. Your data is scan with malware and any virus attack. Your data keep safe and secure on Turbobit website.
4. Maximum download speed was possible.
5. Download up to 25 GB a day, 300 GB a month.
6. Security and privacy of your files.
7. Uploading files via computer or mobile phone, even through another website.
8. Automatic selection of heavily uploaded FTP server, for faster upload of files to your account.
9. Upload files up to 100 GB.
10. No limit on size and number of your files.
11. There are no time delays.
12. No advertisements.
13. Quick support.
Do not want to pay dollars for file management and sharing? Want to share enormous file sizes and download multiple files faster at a time? Want to use for free? Then you are at the right destination. Keep reading, and you will come across ways of using Upstore premium account from Jellyfish for free. But before that let us look at what upstore is for beginners. Also, we will go through the features of upstore premium accounts. I am sure at the end of this article you will have a complete understanding of what exactly is upstore, its usage and features along with the free access of premium account.
Polish Linux – Linux Journal, June 1, 2001
Polish Linux
Five minutes from the center of Warsaw is the city’s looming, Soviet-era palace of culture, a place where software is almost free. As in many Central and Eastern European countries, software piracy is rampant, and you can buy a copy of Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition or a Ricky Martin compact disc for about five dollars at the Stadion.
The Stadion is a crumbling stadium now home to a weekly bazaar featuring pirated pop music and games, cheap clothes and Russian memorabilia like rusting bayonets and aviator goggles. Although recent legislation passed by the Polish parliament has reduced piracy over the past three years, a 2001 study by the International Intellectual Property Alliance estimated that 85% of entertainment software and 55% of Windows business software purchased in Poland is pirated.
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Open Source Pulls Together to Cover September 11th Attacks – Linux Journal, October 1, 2001
Open Source Pulls Together to Cover September 11th Attacks
Tuesday, September 11, the Internet stood still. Millions of users claimed over 80 per cent of internet bandwidth and caused sites around the world to choke on requests for information. As larger web sites like and fell under the pressure, smaller sites–some run out of bedrooms and failed dot-com offices–kept news and information flowing, proving that the Internet is a resilient beast.
As the importance of the Internet has grown, the value of smaller sites providing news and opinions has become more apparent. The broadcast model of information distribution created by radio and television no longer holds in today’s networked world, and one site in particular,, proved this admirably. The site survived the onslaught of users and served up-to-the-minute information during the glut, even as other sites fell by the wayside.
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iPAQ on Linux – Linux Journal, October 2, 2001
iPAQ on Linux
I knew something was wrong when the brightly back-lit screen of my iPAQ went dark. It was a curse: something, somewhere, wanted me to run Windows CE on my little handheld and was punishing me for trying to get a penguin to appear at startup, instead of a gloating little window. By installing a version of the PocketLinux operating system by Transvirtual, I had erased the boot loader in the computer’s memory, thereby reducing my iPAQ to a lifeless brick.
I searched the message boards for the latest information on Linux distributions for my machine. I found posts by users who were working happily with their installations, but there were a few cries in the dark by those whose handhelds, like mine, were dead. The experts at Compaq’s Research Laboratory (CRL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts were ready. They recommended that crashed users send their handheld to them for reFlashing, effectively giving them a second chance by clearing the memory and reinstalling the boot loader and kernel. I decided I had to go see these wizards at work, so I boarded the train at Grand Central Station in New York and came out at a Boston T Stop near MIT, ready to rescue my iPAQ from oblivion.
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Linux on iPAQ – Linux Journal, November 19, 2001
Linux on iPAQ
For those looking for a powerful ultra-microcomputer that runs Linux, Compaq’s shiny iPAQ 3600 series is the answer. The latest generation of handheld, the 3600 series comes with up to 32 megabytes of flash ROM and a TFT touchscreen that supports up to 4,086 colors. A digital (Intel) StrongARM 32-bit processor, clocked at 206MHz, as well as sound recording and playback facilities round out an already impressive package.
“The fundamental watershed that distinguishes the iPAQ from what came before is it’s capable of being a full-fledged computer. We shouldn’t think of it as a little thing on the end of a dongle”, said James Gettys, researcher at Compaq’s Compaq Research Lab (CRL) and co-author of the X Window System. “You have serious compute capability, significant amounts of memory. So for the first time you don’t have to view this thing as something that is divorced and different. It’s a full-fledged computer that happens to fit in your hand.”
That said, let’s look at how to scrape Windows CE out of our shiny new handheld and see the smiling visage of Tux greet us on reboot.
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