Category: News

Twitter Updates for 2008-05-13

  • scanning in some slides of my dad when he was maybe ten years younger then I am now. I’m so much like him its scary. #
  • @om michael arrington #
  • @om he’s just a smalltown kid with nothin’ to loose tryin’ to make it big in silicon valley #
  • about to head to poland. warsaw twitterers out there? #

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A charming story from Argentina

The Argentimes writes about the latest Argentine money-making venture:

In homes, apartments, and shanties throughout Buenos Aires, thousands of graying women joyfully pee into plastic containers at all hours of the day.

It isn’t exactly the picture postcard image that Argentina’s Secretariat of Tourism wants spread around the globe.

Gauchos, mountain peaks, tango, Patagonia, steak – now that’s the stuff of travel brochures.

Yet at any given moment, there are thousands more 65-year-old matrons holding a piece of Tupperware between sagging thighs – silently praying that their hand is steady and aim direct – than tight-assed 20-year-olds twirling the Tango.

Properly aged piss, it turns out, is one of Argentina’s least-known but most-valued exports.

Twitter Updates for 2008-05-08

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My stream

Trying out on the new Nokia N95 8GB. This program streams video live to the Internet, essentially lifecasting from anywhere. Take a gander.

Twitter Updates for 2008-05-06

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