Category: News

Another Polish Interview

I’m apparently very well-spoken in Polish.

?Jak rewolucja w zakresie innowacyjno?ci mo?e konkretnie zmieni? Polsk??

Gdy Polska stanie si? ?r?d?em innowacyjno?ci, zmieni si? nie tylko charakter polskiej gospodarki, ale tak?e np. styl ?ycia, a wi?cej ludzi b?dzie chcia?o pracowa? na miejscu, ni? wyje?d?a? za granic?. Jest to bardzo wa?ne, poniewa? Polska od lat ma problem z drena?em m?zg?w, jako ?e m?odzi zdolni ludzie decyduj? si? na wyjazd za granic? i podj?cie pracy w innych krajach. A na pewno nie tylko rodzice takich os?b chcia?yby, by wr?ci?y one do Polski.

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You Probably Don’t Read Polish But If You Do, Please Enjoy:

?”Czasy odkry? indywidualnych entuzjast?w, pracuj?cych w gara?u min??y. Innowacje s? teraz owocem pracy zespo?owej” – m?wi RMF FM John Biggs, bloger, wydawca portalu TechCrunch, dawniej zwi?zany z popularnym portalem przyjecha? do Krakowa z okazji odbywaj?cej si? ju? po raz drugi imprezy Geek Week Kra?k?w, czyli ty?go?dnio?wego ma?ra?tonu wy?da?rze? zwi??za?nych z no?wy?mi tech?no?lo?gia?mi. Nie jest to zreszt? jego pierwszy pobyt w Polsce, co ?atwo pozna? po tym, jak dobrze m?wi w naszym j?zyku.

Honestly I don’t even know what I said.

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Wow, Mosh Is Great

Mosh is a mobile shell that maintains your current state no matter what happens to the connection. For example, you can leave a tab in your terminal program open to a server you want to access regularly and just open and close your laptop or device willy nilly. It works for OS X and Android and really seems stable. It’s essentially a persistent SSH connection that ensures you don’t lose your work.

You can grab it here to try it out. You’ll be pleased.

Paperback Copies Of School Police Just Arrived!

The paperback version of School Police just arrived and they’re beautiful. Sonia Budner’s excellent cover really brings the little book together and I’m acceptably pleased with the inside design (I did it myself). If you’d like a free copy, simply email me at but the ebook is free with Kindle Unlimited and it’s a fun little read. Let me know what you think!

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Mytro And The Devil

A lot of people have been asking me where I got the idea for Mytro. I remember it vividly: we were in Madrid and I was under a statue of Lucifer falling from heaven when inspiration struck like a bolt from above.

Allow me to explain.
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