Category: News


Last week a 14-year-old boy brought a tech project?to school setting off a wave of controversy. He is a Maker and he wanted to show his teacher a fun thing he put together. The resulting reaction was typical of today?s Internet praise and outrage cycle. On one side the Maker community has banded together to?show the boy that his desire to build was important.?On the other side, some believe everything about this story is a dangerous farce. After all, they say, Ahmed didn?t really build the clock. It wasn?t real ? it was just a repurposed Radio Shack clock from the 1980s. The boy?s father is an Islamic firebrand! This is a carefully orchestrated sham so Ahmed can get a Surface and so kids can bring?real?bombs to school and teachers will think twice!

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How To Pitch Me

Hi. You’re interested in pitching me your project. Ok. Cool. I like you. Let’s get this done.

So here’s what I ask every time. If you do not complete this basic survey then I will not read your email. Answer each of these questions in clear English in your email. Do not send attachments. Do not send images. Send links to screenshots and a link to your project.
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My Book, Marie Antoinette’s Watch, Is Now Shipping

It’s been almost eight years in the making and it’s taken lots of work to get here but here we are: my book, Marie Antoinette’s Watch, is now available in ebook and paperback. I’m working with a publisher called Zola Books to distribute the ebook version and I’ve been working with Victor Marks of A Blog To Watch to solve the myriad issues with printing the paperback version. Both are ready to go and I want you guys to be the first to get them.

You can buy the paperback from Createspace now and it will soon be on Amazon.
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My Croatian Is Fantastic

A Croatian site posted an interview with me in advance of my arrival in Zagreb this week. More Central European ink!

?Zagreb ?e tako postati ?esti grad ove godine, koji ?e ugostiti ovaj jednodnevnim doga?aj s utjecajnim ljudima iz svijeta biznisa i startupa. Vi?e o doga?aju mo?ete prona?i na slu?benim stranicama, gdje ujedno i mo?ete kupiti kartu, a u nastavku mo?ete pro?itati na? intervju s Johnom Biggsom, jednim od predava?a i urednikom presti?nog TechCruncha.

ZIMO je slu?beni medijski sponzor ove konferencije!

Pozdrav John, postoji li ne?to u hrvatskoj startup sceni ?to vas privla?i da do?ete ovdje?

Uzbu?en sam kad idem bilo gdje. Toliko je iznimnih talenata diljem svijeta, stoga je uvijek dobro do?i na nova mjesta i nau?iti nove stvari.

Pre-order My New Book, Technotopia

We’ve all been expecting a techno dystopia, a world shattered by climate change and deadened by social media. But what if the reverse is true? Technotopia is a book about the future and how things will get better, not worse, in the next 100 years.

I’m John Biggs and I’ve been a professional cynic for the past decade. I saw where technology was headed and I was upset, not amazed. But something is changing and I want to tell you about it.

“Yearly reminder: unless you’re over 60, you weren’t promised flying cars. You were promised an oppressive cyberpunk dystopia. Here you go,” wrote Kyle Marquis in February 2015. For most of my life Marquis’ words rang true. I saw the future as a slide into darkness, all Blade Runner and dirty bombs. But we are living in an era of unprecedented access to information and increasingly improved access to the resources needed to build a better world. All is not peaches and cream – yet – but I argue it will get there.
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A Great Bitcoin Panel With Michael Casey, Joel Monegro, and Michael Sonnenshein

It’s not every day that I get to sit down with the author of The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order as well as two cool VCs but I had a hoot with them all last night at an event held by Hedgeable in New York.

It’s was a fascinating opportunity to talk about the future of bitcoin and where everything is headed.
You can read about it here and watch above.