I’m going to try to be a good Web 2.0 peon and use these tools now. I’m Barcelona now and will be posting more here and to bigwidelogic.com
Category: News
testing wordpress-to-twitter t…
testing wordpress-to-twitter thingy
Looking for three writers…
I’m looking for three writers for:
* Audiomonger.com – Music
* TheSportingLife.net – Men’s cool stuff
* RunningGearReview.com – Running gear reviewers
Pay is commiserate with me not making any money, but it could be a cool way to break into the biz. Drop me a line at john at bigwidelogic dot com if you’re interested.
working, why?
working, why?
A New BWL Network Site for Polish Cooking: AkademiaSmaku.com
My brother-in-law just started a new site for Polish cooking and recipes. It’s in Polish, but that shouldn’t stop you! Head on over and check out his restaurant reviews and other goodies. We’re also planning a version in English.
New TSL Writer: Nic from Down Under
Amazing… a few short days later and we have a full time writer for TheSportingLife.net. Head on over and check out what Nic has to say on gin, cigars, and retro gadgets. Oh, and swimsuit models. Lots of swimsuit models…
Greetings from the Deep South [The Sporting Life]
CrunchGear.com – The Birdie Finds a New Home
Well, I just landed at CrunchGear.com, a blog published by Michael Arrington. I’m writing about gadgets and other gizmos and having a blast. Check it out when you have a moment.
Introducing WallStreetTechDaily.com
I’m proud to announce an addition to the BWL network, WallStreetTechDaily.com edited by financial tech guru Benjamin Freidlin. Head on over and check it out.
Psst… WSTDaily.com
Hmmmm… a new BWL blog? How strange…