Category: News

My book deal…

Well, it’s official. I’ve got my first book deal.

Tech journalist John Biggs, who edits the blog and has contributed to The New York Times, has signed a contract with Susan Kamil at the Dial Press to write a book called Marie Antoinette’s Watch.

The book will tell the story of an impossibly elaborate wristwatch that one of Marie Antoinette’s lovers commissioned around the time of the French Revolution from the master watchmaker Abraham Louis Breguet. The watch—the “iPhone of its day,” according to Mr. Weissman, because of its unprecedented range of features and functions—took 44 years to make, and Marie Antoinette was long dead by the time it was complete.

iPhone 3G battery problems – A solution?

If you’re dealing with a bum battery in your iPhone 3G try backup up and completely restoring the firmware. Early phones were shipping with the 5A345 firmware – you can check it in Settings > General > About > Version – and a restore will dump 5A347 onto the phone. I’m testing this hypothesis now with two iPhones.

A re-Tweeting Twitter-bot

I was looking for something to retweet tweets as they came into a specific Twitter account, essentially creating a broadcasting system. I found some software from the Twitter Dev Group and fixed it to handle rebroadcasting as well as ensure that it doesn’t retweet older posts. It’s very basic but it seems to be working and I thought I’d share it here.


It’s a PHP script that runs on a server. You can hit the program with a cron job, a WebCron request, or simply run it at certain intervals.

Twitter Updates for 2008-07-01

  • boy, it’s hot enough to give a kitten heatstroke! #
  • attn all. will be in the bathroom for a few minutes. tweet me if you need me. #
  • follow-up: looks like this will take longer than I thought. #
  • update: looks like i’m eating enough fiber! back to work! #
  • uh oh! no TP! #
  • twitterers – send baby wipes! #
  • i think i found my keychain #

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