Category: News

Sun Country: The play I wrote in college

This is the full 1 hour production of Sun Country, produced by Scotch ‘n’ Soda at Carnegie Mellon University. It starred Matt Morrow, Alexis Sottile, Jeremy Lewitt, and Lou Bojarski. Those were seriously the days. The quality is pretty bad – straight from VHS – but you can sort of watch it.

Taibbi on Palin

Matt Taibbi comments on the magic of Sarah Palin and what it says about America.

All around me, a million cops in their absurd post-9/11 space-combat get-ups stand guard as assholes in papier-mache puppet heads scramble around for one last moment of network face time before the coverage goes dark. Four-chinned delegates from places like Arkansas and Georgia are pouring joyously out the gates in search of bars where they can load up on Zombies and Scorpion Bowls and other “wild” drinks and extramaritally grope their turkey-necked female companions in bathroom stalls as part of the “unbelievable time” they will inevitably report to their pals back home. Only 21st-century Americans can pass through a metal detector six times in an hour and still think they’re at a party.

An idea…

The boys and I might start reviewing a few iPhone and Android apps a day. Valuable? Interesting?

VMWare Fusion: Excellent

If you use OS X on a Mac Pro, you owe it to yourself and your sanity to get VMWare Fusion. I have plenty of PCs in the house but none of them are hooked up so to have an instance of XP running under OS X like a copy of Word is amazing. I’m finally able to try Chrome, for example, and I actually look forward to getting a Windows virus.

My only concern is that the software won’t run well on smaller machines. As it stands, however, XP is a champ and Vista Ultimate 64-bit installed but was hiccuping a little. I’ll be doing a more in-depth look for

The Tweets are gone

Just took out the silly Twitter digests on here. You can see my Tweets on the side now and this will be dedicated to actual content i.e. pictures of my knuckles.