Category: News

An Older Interview With Ladyada

I was going through old Ladyada videos and found this gem from TC Disrupt in New York. Limor Fried and I talk about building a hardware company from scratch and throw a bunch of little toys into the audience, in that order.

Udoo Quad or Duo case for the Arduino/Raspberry Pi board – $25 Shipped


I’ve been messing around with the Udoo recently and I noticed there weren’t any cases available. I just 3D printed my own (this one) but if you need one I’m happy to print them for $25 shipped, $40 for overseas orders. They take a little while to print, which makes them a bit more expensive than I’d like but let me know if you need one. I can print them in a few colors including black, green, and red. These print best in PLA and my machine has the occasional problem of letting the plastic bend up slightly at the corners, but it doesn’t effect the case structurally. If I have enough interest I may just injection-mold these.

I have models for the Udoo Dual and Udoo Quad and have had many happy customers.

You can Paypal me a and I accept Bitcoin at address 19rttRSoPg3t6GSu9QUW9m9WWZoV1pJuNJ.


Mytro Is Now Live


I’ve been working on my YA novel, Mytro, for a few years now and I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet: Mytro is now live on Indiegogo and ready to pre-order. The book is done – it just needs some polish and printing and I’m excited to share it with you. Still not convinced? Visit for more information or email me at with questions. It’s high time I tried crowd funding and I’m really excited to see where it leads. Thanks for being a fan and hope to see you on the pledge list!

I’m Proud To Be A Leigh Bureau Speaker

I’ve just been given the amazing opportunity to work with The Leigh Bureau, a speaker’s bureau that represents madmen like Bre Pettis and Zee Frank. They will represent me for speaking gigs and make things generally easier for me when it comes to flying around the world saying cool things to amazing people. It’s an honor to be on their speakers page and it means a lot that they took a chance on a slightly grumpy tech blogger. It also speaks to the reach of Web media that they picked me as one of their lesser luminaries.

My Book, Black Hat, In ePub Format And Free To Download


I wrote a book in 2004 about hackers, spammers, and other nerds and I thought I’d like to share it with the world. It’s currently available on Amazon and B&N and is $9.99 for the print edition and an inexplicable $9.49 in the Kindle edition. It is apparently not available for the Nook.

The book is 9 years old and is nearly out of print. It is about spammers, hackers, and viruses and I wrote it for a general audience like my dad who may or may not be all that technically savvy. It’s not a How-To as much as an exploration of the personalities in hacking.

According to Bookscan I sold 0 copies in the past few months and rather than allow it to molder, I’ve decided to give it away, with some caveats.

MANDATORY STEP: Let me know you downloaded it. Email me at john @ or tweet me at @johnbiggs

1. Read it. It was pretty good, I was just starting out as a writer, and I thought some of it was fun/funny.
2. Buy it if you liked it. Or at least buy a copy for someone who you think will like it. Heck, even buy a paper copy. You can also buy my current book, Blogger’s Boot Camp.

3. Pass it around and tell others about it.

You guys are smart enough to know that nothing is free. It took me a two years to write this and it took Apress many resources to publish it. Now, however, it’s run its natural life and I’d like to perform this experiment to see how many copies will circulate in order to assess the feasibility of releasing books like this in the future. The publishing industry is changing before our very eyes and I’m worried many of us will be left behind if we don’t change with it.

Anyways, enjoy. Let me know if you want more formats.

EPub Version
Mobi Version