Category: News

As I’ve begun marketing Mytro, I slowly began to realize that the average parent doesn’t want to give their YA a YA novel on a Kindle or other device. Given that my own son just lost my wife’s Kindle in his bed (how, we don’t know) I realized I need a paperback ASAP. You can buy it here.
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How To Clean Out Clogged Makerbot And Other 3D Printer Nozzles

So the worst happened. Both my nozzles clogged on my Makerbot replicator – I think one of them got stuffed up with a sort of grey PLA that clogged them because I found a lot of it in the nozzle – but generally too much use and not enough maintenance really took its toll on the machine.

I thought I was sunk. I tried to run the filament through a few times to no avail and slowly but surely I figured I’d need to do something drastic.
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